CCMG Statement on the Voters Register Inspection (VRI) Observation
CCMG Statement on the Voters Register Inspection (VRI) Observation
CCMG Statement on the Conduct of Voting and Counting for the Nine (9) Ward By-Elections Held on 12 July 2024
CCMG Statement on the Conduct of Voting and Counting for the Nine (9) Ward By-Elections Held on 12 July 2024
Pre-Election Observation Statement for 12 July 2024 Ward Councilors By-Elections
Pre-Election Observation Statement for 12 July 2024 Ward Councilors By-Elections
CCMG Applauds ECZ for Conducting Successful and Violence-Free Nominations in Nine Wards Ahead of the 12 July Ward Councillor By-Elections
CCMG Applauds ECZ for Conducting Successful and Violence-Free Nominations in Nine Wards Ahead of the 12 July Ward Councillor By-Elections
CCMG Pleased with Extensive Adherence to Registration Procedure by ECZ Registration Officers; Remains Concerned with Registration Center Accessibility
CCMG Pleased with Extensive Adherence to Registration Procedure by ECZ Registration Officers; Remains Concerned with Registration Center Accessibility
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Countdown to The 2026 general elections

Stay in the loop and be well-informed with vital updates as we approach the 2026 Zambia General Elections. Your awareness matters! 🇿🇲 #CCMGZambia #ZambiaElections2026



Reports & Publications

The Current Electoral Framework in Zambia Poses a Danger to Democracy
A Christian Churches Monitoring Group-(CCMG)’s Opinion on Governance Elections Advocacy Research Services Initiative Zambia Limited v Attorney General and the Electoral Commission of Zambia
Review of NRC Laws in Zambia
Discussion Paper-Constitution Reform
Discussion Paper-The Electoral Commission of Zambia Transparency

To strengthen genuine democratic electoral processes and encourage citizen participation in democratic governance in Zambia through civic and voter education, non–partisan election monitoring, research and documentation, electoral reforms advocacy and, capacity building of civil society organisations in democracy, elections and governance.

Country/ Voter Statistics

Registered Voters
Polling Stations

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