Civic And Voter Education (CVE)
Civic And Voter Education (CVE)
In order to systematically assess the quality of voting and counting processes on election day, CCMG conducts parallel vote tabulations (PVT). A PVT is a proven methodology that allows non-partisan citizen observers to accurately and independently verify the official presidential results. PVTs can increase public confidence in well run elections and reduce the potential for politcally-motivated violence. Where PVTs expose fraud or shortcomings in election day processes, they can provide an objective basis for making improvements and seeking peaceful redress for complaints. PVTs use direct observations by trained, accredited, nonpartisan observers to a statistically representative random sample of polling stations nationwide and CCMG uses ICT to rapidly receive and analyse data from its observers. This allows CCMG to gather information about election day processes in near real-time and provide information to stakeholders. CCMG conducted PVTs in 2015 and 2016 to verify the official results of the presidential election and provide detailed information on the conduct of election day processes. CCMG’s statements from 2015 and 2016 are available here.